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Sciatica Starts With 'P'

Well, actually, piriformis starts with ‘P’ and the piriformis muscle is responsible for sciatica.

Sciatica is a pain in the butt (literally) that eventually works its way down the leg. For many people, they have felt this pain all the way down the back of the leg, cramping the calf and ending with pain in the heal.

The sciatic nerve runs from the low back all the way down to the foot. The piriformis muscle is a found beneath the glute muscles. It spans from the sacrum to the head of the femur (big leg bone on the side off the hip).

Piriformis hugs the sciatic nerve & this is where sciatic pain begins.

The good news is sciatic pain can be relieved. In fact, my clients enjoy immediate

sciatica relief during their first trigger point therapy session. However, depending on how long you have the pain, it will take consistent self-care and a few trigger point therapy sessions to maintain lasting results.

A few at home suggestions include stretching and slow, hip-opening yoga poses.

Sitting on a tennis ball is a great way to treat piriformis trigger points at home. When the tennis ball meets piriformis, you will know.

Are you sick of dealing with a pain in the butt? Schedule your trigger point therapy appointment today. We’ll get to the “bottom” of it and go over at-home relief techniques.

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